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January 18, 2019

Exhibiting at the World's Largest Mobile Related Trade Show, MWC19 Barcelona -- Showcasing Digital Transformation to Achieve a Smart World, Introducing the Latest Examples of Business Collaboration Using 5G --

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation ("NTT"), NTT DOCOMO, INC. ("DOCOMO") and other NTT subsidiaries and affiliated companies will be exhibiting together at MWC19 Barcelona, to be held in Barcelona, Spain for four days from Monday, February 25 to Thursday, February 28, 2019.
At the exhibition booth we will introduce representative and forward-looking examples of digital transformation that make use of AI and IoT which the NTT Group is deploying globally (examples from various industry fields in preparation for smart world). Through our exhibits, including 5G Cyber Jam Session, we will show off the advantages of 5G, such as high data rates/high capacity, low latency, and massive connection density, which we are aiming to make commercially available in Japan in 2020.

Booth design illustration. Design is subject to change. Booth design illustration. Design is subject to change.

Description of Major Exhibits

<1>Solution to Achieve a Smart World

  • Smart City
    Public Safety
    Public safety solution for Las Vegas, real-time people tracking system jointly developed with Panasonic
    Smart Mobility
    Demonstration of technology that supports optimal guidance by grasping and predicting the cross-sectional flow of people and transportation at major events, and image of MaaS (Mobility as a Service) that provides optimal operation by combining multiple transportation system using such developed technology
  • Smart Airport
    Forward-thinking examples of hand baggage inspections using AI and border controls using facial recognition technology
  • Smart Agriculture
    Initiatives that aim for efficient and sustainable plant factories through using machine learning based on experienced farmers' know-how
  • Smart Factory
    Technology that enables long-distance transmission while maintaining quality applied to advanced laser processing by harmonizing NTT's photonic crystal optical fiber technology and Mitsubishi Heavy Industry's high-power laser processing technology, and smart technology for factories that reduces downtime

<2> 5G Exhibits

  • 5G Cyber Jam Session: Real-time performance by virtual, on-stage, and distant band members
  • Mobile SCOT (Smart Cyber Operating Theater) : Realized by 5G Innovative solution to enable advanced medical treatment in diverse environments
  • Diorama Stadium: AR sports viewing platform based on cloud computing
  • Smart Construction Powered by 5G & IoT: 5G-enabled remote machinery operation and IOT-based site management to realize a safer, more productive worksite
  • DOCOMO 5G: 5G initiatives, technologies and devices

<3> Other

  • Demonstration of the concept of LASOLV, a new computer solving intractable problems by using the properties of light
  • Demonstration of a concept to achieve a world in which people are capable of natural interaction in harmony with the environment
  • Demonstration of a new sports spectator experience using surround video synthesis transmission technology that synthesizes and synchronizes transmission of multiple 4K images in real time
  • Introduction and demonstration of NTT Group's global coverage

Further details will be provided on a dedicated website:
NTT Group MWC19 Barcelona website:


Overview of MWC19 Barcelona

Dates Monday, February 25, 2019 to Thursday February 28, 2019
Venues Fira Gran Via and Fira Montjuïc (Barcelona, Spain)
Main Sponsor GSMA
Anticipated Number of Exhibitors More than 2,400 companies
Expected Number of Visitors More than 100,000
Official Website other window

For Further Information, please contact:

PR Office, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Information is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release.
Please be advised that information may be outdated after that point.