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About NTT Stock

Last updated : February 7, 2025

Total number of shares authorized 154,823,022,500
Total number of shares issued 90,550,316,400
Class of stock Common stock
Number of shareholders 2,473,307
Stock exchange listings Tokyo Stock Exchange (Code : 9432)

*The above table shows the figures as of December 31, 2024.

Classification of Shareholders

(as of December 31, 2024)

*You can scroll horizontally

Details NTT's Shares and Shareholders (1 unit =100 shares) Shares Representing Less Than One Unit
Government and Public Bodies Financial Institutions Securities Firms Other Domestic Corporations Foreign Corporations, etc. Domestic Individuals, etc. Total
Non-Individuals Individuals
Total Holders 6 327 89 10,651 1,411 13,469 2,334,872 2,360,825 -
Total Shares
292,008,278 161,558,579 3,170,725 34,440,491 156,225,942 937,352 257,088,700 905,430,067 7,309,700
% 32.25 17.84 0.35 3.80 17.25 0.10 28.39 100.00 -


1. The total number of units held by "Domestic Individuals, etc." includes 73,814,968 units of treasury stock, and the number of "Shares Representing Less Than One Unit" includes 5 shares of treasury stock. 7,381,496,805 shares of treasury stock are recorded in the shareholders' register; the actual number of shares of treasury stock of December 31, 2024 was 7,381,466,805.

2. The total number of units held by "Other Domestic Corporations" includes 14,372 units held in the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.

3. There were 112,482 shareholders who only own shares representing less than one unit.

Classification by Number of Shares

(as of December 31, 2024)

*You can scroll horizontally

Details NTT's Shares and Shareholders (1 unit =100 shares) Shares Representing Less Than One Unit
At Least 1,000Units At Least 500 Units At Least 100 Units At Least 50 Units At Least 10 Units At Least 5 Units At Least 1 Unit Total
Number of Holders 22,838 44,029 545,399 151,487 551,358 211,951 833,763 2,360,825 -
% 0.97 1.86 23.10 6.42 23.35 8.98 35.32 100.00 -
Total Shares
766,751,058 27,268,138 88,070,557 9,276,439 11,241,693 1,307,811 1,514,371 905,430,067 7,309,700
% 84.68 3.01 9.73 1.02 1.24 0.14 0.17 100.00 -


1. "At Least 1,000 Units" includes 73,814,968 units of treasury stock, and the number of "Shares Representing Less Than One Unit" includes 5 shares of treasury stock.

2. "At Least 500 Units" includes 14,372 units held in the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.

Principal Shareholders

(as of December 31, 2024)

*You can scroll horizontally

Name Number of Shares held
(in thousands of shares)
Percent of Total Shares Issued
The Minister of Finance 29,199,372 35.11
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 9,007,506 10.83
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 3,774,746 4.54
Toyota Motor Corporation 2,019,385 2.43
State Street Bank and Trust Company 505001 890,381 1.07
State Street Bank West Client - Treaty 505234 705,079 0.85
NTT Employee Share-Holding Association 597,089 0.72
Nippon Life Insurance Company 584,126 0.70
Moxley & Co. LLC 562,001 0.68
JP Morgan Chase Bank 385632 507,965 0.61
Total 47,847,653 57.53


1.The number of shares is rounded down to the nearest thousand.

2.NTT's holdings of treasury stock (7,381,466,805 shares) are not included in the above table.

3.Equity ownership percentages do not include treasury stock. Furthermore, treasury stock does not include 34,782,500 shares of the Company held by the officer compensation BIP trust.

4.In December 2000, NTT issued 300,000 new Shares (equal to 3 billion Shares after the share split) in a public offering. These Shares are not included in the total number of issued Shares when calculating the percentage of Government-owned Shares. The total number of Government-owned Shares includes Shares which are unregistered because of a failure in the transfer of title and such shares are therefore not actually owned by the Government. These Shares are nominally owned by the Government but are excluded from the total number of Shares owned by the Government when calculating the percentage of Government-owned Shares. If these conditions are taken into account, the percentage of Government-owned Shares is 33.33%.

Changes in total number of issued shares, capitalization, etc.

(as of July 31, 2023)

*You can scroll horizontally

Date Total number of issued shares Capitalization Capital reserve Remarks
(million yen)
(million yen)
(million yen)
(million yen)
Nov 24,
312,000 15,912,000 15,600 795,600 (15,600) 2,530,476 (*1)
Jul 21,
(48,898) 15,863,102 - 795,600 - 2,530,476 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Feb 22,
(28,512) 15,834,590 - 795,600 - 2,530,476 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Nov 10,
300,000 16,134,590 142,350 937,950 142,350 2,672,826 Issuance of common stock
Mar 31,
(202,145) 15,932,445 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Mar 31,
(191,236) 15,741,209 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Jan 4,
1,558,379,691 1,574,120,900 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 (*2)
Nov 15,
(125,461,833) 1,448,659,067 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Nov 15,
(125,461,832) 1,323,197,235 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Nov 15,
(186,500,000) 1,136,697,235 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Jul 1,
1,136,697,235 2,273,394,470 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 (*3)
Nov 13,
(177,000,000) 2,096,394,470 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Sep 26,
(146,000,000) 1,950,394,470 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Jan 1,
1,950,394,470 3,900,788,940 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 (*4)
Nov 17,
(278,776,284) 3,622,012,656 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 Cancellation of treasury stocks
Jul 1,
86,928,303,744 90,550,316,400 - 937,950 - 2,672,826 (*5)


  1. Stocks held by shareholders were split at a ratio of 1 to 1.02 with an effective date of November 24, 1995.
  2. Stocks held by shareholders were split at a ratio of 1 to 100 with an effective date of January 4, 2009.
  3. Stocks held by shareholders were split at a ratio of 1 to 2 with an effective date of July 1, 2015.
  4. Stocks held by shareholders were split at a ratio of 1 to 2 with an effective date of January 1, 2020.
  5. Stocks held by shareholders were split at a ratio of 1 to 25 with an effective date of July 1, 2023.

Stock Price (Real Time)

- TSE Prime : 9432

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