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August 7, 2024

CEO Press Conference

Financial Results for the First Quarter of FY2024

Akira Shimada, President and CEO, Representative Member of the Board
Toshihiko Nakamura, Senior Vice President, Head of Finance and Accounting
Akitoshi Hattori, Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Strategy Planning

Photo of press conference with President

(President Shimada)

I hope you will be able to listen to me while listening to the pleasant sound of the nwm ONE (NTT sonority, Inc. Open-Ear headphones) you have at hand.
 Now, I would like to explain our financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2024.

Please refer to page 4. The consolidated financial results for the first quarter show increased sales and decreased profits compared to the previous year. Operating revenue set a new record for the first quarter. Operating revenues increased by ¥129 billion year-on-year to ¥3.24 trillion, mainly due to increased revenues from the comprehensive ICT business segment and the global solutions business segment. Of this increase in sales, the impact of foreign exchange rates was approximately ¥80 billion.
 Operating income was ¥435.8 billion, down ¥38.8 billion from the previous fiscal year, due to a decrease in revenues from mobile and fixed-line communications services, as well as spending to strengthen the customer base at NTT DOCOMO, removal of unnecessary assets to reduce future facility maintenance costs at NTT EAST and NTT WEST, and disaster recovery expenses.
 Both operating revenues and operating income are generally in line with expectations. To achieve our consolidated profit plan, we will strengthen our customer base by steadily implementing cost reductions, expanding corporate business, strengthening sales, and further improving network quality.
 Net income was ¥274.1 billion, down ¥101.6 billion from the previous year due to a decline in operating income and a rebound from gains on stock sales in the previous year. EBITDA decreased by 23.1 billion year-on-year to ¥815.3 billion due to a decrease in operating income.

Please refer to page 5. Revenues and profits by segment.
 In the comprehensive ICT business segment, despite a decline in mobile communications service revenues, revenue increased year-on-year mainly due to growth in finance and settlement in the Smart Life business. Despite an increase in profit in the Smart Life business, operating income decreased year-on-year due to increased costs for strengthening the customer base. We will work to reduce costs and strengthen our customer base to achieve our annual targets.
 In the regional communications business segment, in addition to a decline in network revenues, efforts were made to reduce facility maintenance costs by removing unnecessary assets and upgrading aging facilities. In addition, NTT WEST experienced an increase in disaster recovery costs, resulting in a year-on-year decrease in sales and income. Both operating revenues and operating income are generally in line with expectations, and we will aggressively pursue drastic cost reduction measures, such as selecting and concentrating businesses and improving operational efficiency, to achieve medium-term growth.
 In the global solutions business segment, sales increased year-on-year due to the impact of foreign exchange rates, in addition to higher sales in the public, financial and corporate sectors in Japan, and operating income was on par with the previous year.
 In addition, real estate and energy sales increased year-on-year due to the expansion of housing sales at NTT Urban Solutions.

Please refer to page 6. I will explain about shareholder returns. To improve capital efficiency and enhance shareholder returns, the Company will repurchase treasury stock up to a total repurchase price of ¥200 billion. The period is as shown.

Please refer to page 7. Historical changes in share repurchases are as shown.

Please refer to page 8. Next, I would like to explain six topics.

Please refer to page 9. First, I would like to explain the establishment of a new company in the field of AI. NTTAI-CIX will be established in August 2024 aiming to realize chained AI services that cooperate with each other across businesses and industries, from the conventional individual AI that achieves optimization for each business and industry. We will solve social issues such as labor shortages by optimizing the entire supply chain by utilizing cross-industry data.

Please refer to page 10. Next, I will explain further development of tsuzumi, the NTT version of LLM. We began commercial operations in March 2024 and have attracted interest from customers in various fields. At present, we have proposed implementation to more than 400 customers, for example, we have received orders from Yamato Transport and Fukui Prefectural Government.
 We have also started the tsuzumi Partner Program. For example, transcosmos inc. is participating, and we would like to start providing tsuzumi on Microsoft's Azure around November. In the future, we will accelerate the development of tsuzumi in Japan and overseas in cooperation with our partners.

Please refer to page 11. Next, I will explain the launch of nwm ONE. In addition to the existing lineup, NTT launched the nwm ONE open-ear flagship model on July 18, which is the first model equipped with NTT's proprietary PSZ (Personalized Sound Zone) technology and Magic Focus Voice. We have a demonstration device for the audience, so please try it. What do you think? BGM is playing in your ear, but I think you can hear my voice. If you remove it, you will feel that no sound is leaking to the surroundings. This is PSZ technology.

Please refer to page 12. Next, I would like to explain the current status and future of our renewable energy business. In 2023, we acquired Green Power Investment Corporation, a leading company in the domestic renewable energy power generation business, as a subsidiary, and it is now expected that we will achieve our renewable energy acquisition target of 8 billion kilowatt-hours per year in fiscal 2030 by adding wind power generation to solar power generation. We will use the NTT Group's assets and solutions for renewable energy to strengthen our support for customers' green transformation. In February 2024, a wind power station was opened in Fukaura, Aomori Prefecture.

Please refer to page 13. Next, I will explain the number of shareholders.
 The graph on the left shows changes in the number of shareholders after the listing, which has continued to increase since the stock split announcement. At the end of June 2024, the number of shareholders reached a record high of 2.26 million, 2.5 times the number before the stock split announcement. As shown in the pie chart on the right, the age structure has also diversified, and the number of shares held by various generations has increased.

Please refer to page 14. The progress of the Medium-Term Management Strategy since May 2024 is as shown.


  • You mentioned increasing costs to strengthen NTT DOCOMO's customer base, but what exactly are you doing?

    To strengthen our customer base, we believe that we must strengthen sales at mass retailers and other outlets, and we have begun to strengthen our sales staff. I think we will see this effect in the second half of fiscal 2024. Also, the selection rate of eximo is increasing considerably. To compete, we also sell irumo, so ARPU is on a downward trend, but more customers are choosing eximo than expected, so I think ARPU will be balanced in the near future.
    At the same time, in the past, ahamo users had the inconvenience of having to go through the procedures online to change their handsets. However, in response to the needs of customers who want to see their handsets when they change, we have started a service at DOCOMO Shops and some mass retailers that allows ahamo customers to exchange their handsets in-store.
    In addition to strengthening the sales channel in this way, since eximo started poikatsu (act of point hunting) on August 1, 2024, we are spending a lot of money to strengthen the marketing at once.

  • President Maeda of NTT DOCOMO has spoken positively about the establishment of a bank. What does NTT think?

    We have been expanding through M&A in securities and loans. Considering the customer's convenience, I think it's easier to use if you have a bank account. Competitors are also conducting such operations, so I think we have a choice of whether to conduct them through M&A or create them ourselves. In any case, we will further strengthen the elements necessary to provide comprehensive financial services.
    Currently, card and d payment settlement businesses are growing steadily and generating solid profits. NTT DOCOMO President Maeda has taken the lead in considering further expansion of the overall financial business, and we would like to provide solid support.

  • Regarding the decline in profit for the first quarter of FY2024 in NTT DOCOMO's comprehensive ICT business, how do you intend to turn around the profit increase, where the full-year forecast is for an increase in profit?

    I believe that a major factor will be to strengthen our customer base in the consumer business. In addition, we will steadily expand the Smart Life business, which is expected to grow significantly.
    At the same time, although NTT Communications is expected to be affected by PSTN migration in the second quarter of fiscal 2024, we will absorb the impact through the growth of the overall corporate business and secure profits.

  • What is the purpose of establishing NTTAI-CIX and what are its business scale goals?

    For example, in the supply chain, businesses are created through various distribution processes, from manufacturing to wholesalers, but AI itself enters various processes. By connecting data horizontally in these processes and delivering it to the final consumer, we can expect cost savings.
    We announced this in January 2024, but we have already started cooperation with Trial Company Inc., which operates a discount store in Kyushu, and with Shinmei Holdings, we are working to improve data on the distribution of fruits and vegetables, and to establish a link between the production areas and consumers, and to consider whether this will lead to efficient distribution and transactions.
    There is a data related division unit in NTT's research laboratory that have been dealing with customers. We will spin off that unit, and create a company with the idea of transforming between industries using AI-CIX (Cross Industry transformation).
    Please understand that the business scale is included in the target of ¥100 billion in AI-related operating revenue in fiscal 2027. I hope we can reach 1/10 of that.

  • Regarding the discussion on the revision of the NTT Law, an expert meeting at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications recently presented a summary of points for future discussion. In the discussion on universal service, the focus is on whether to maintain the obligation to provide fixed telephones nationwide or change it to the responsibility for providing final guaranteed service. Furthermore, further utilization of mobile networks in the future is also discussed, and whether mobile lines provided by mobile companies should be positioned as universal services is also discussed. What is your reaction to the current discussion and your view on it?
    Also, what is your view on the overall discussion, including fair competition and economic security?

    I am very grateful that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications working groups are discussing the NTT Law. Each is important, but what I think is very important for us is how to achieve universal service, and I think we should think from a customer perspective and a future-oriented perspective.
    I'm sorry to talk about the earthquake all the time, but most people want mobile communications, and I think it's common sense now. So, ultimately, I think there is a need to create an environment where mobile communication is possible, at least in and around the residence.
    Therefore, in principle, I think that we should take the form of how we will eventually cover universal service with mobile lines. We have also shown some cost-sharing simulations. The cheapest way is to use mobile fixed phones in areas where mobile lines are already provided, and to use optical lines in other areas, the deficit burden in 2035 will be about 3 billion, making it the cheapest.
    As another option, we have proposed a plan to cover the entire mobile network. The plan shows a deficit burden of approximately 6 billion yen per year. However, if the area covered by mobile networks gradually increases, the deficit burden will gradually decrease, so I think we should gradually shift to such a plan.
    However, in the process, I think there is a step to ensure universal service by covering the current mobile line area with mobile fixed phones and covering the rest with optical lines.
    And regarding fair competition, I think it's about the regulation of the basic scope of business. The business of NTT EAST and NTT WEST is a fundamental part of Japan's information and communications infrastructure, so we need to maintain it firmly. To maintain it, it is desirable to have a form that does not interfere with efficiency, and the infrastructure itself will evolve with technology. Therefore, I would appreciate it if we could maintain and upgrade our infrastructure with a degree of freedom.
    I understand that there are various opinions on foreign capital regulations, and there are opinions from different perspectives. However, when we look at foreign countries, there is a reality that they are strengthening individual regulations, and there are almost no countries that have been organized under special laws. Therefore, I think it is necessary to consider the direction of strengthening individual regulations.

  • The regional communications business segment has been working on drastic cost reduction. Recently, the discontinuation of services of Town Page and 104 has been announced one after another. What businesses will be considered for drastic cost reduction in the future and how do you think telegram service should change?

    I think the biggest thing is what we're going to do with landlines. I believe that the principle is to replace the current universal service and move it to a form that is easier for customers to use and provides more advanced services. In addition, we have said that fixed-line telephones will reach their capacity limit by about 2035, so this is a question of how to handle this situation.
    The number of contracts has decreased to about 12 million, but we still have to install it in about 1 week if ordered. If we do not maintain the capacity we had when we had 60 million contracts, we will not be able to respond to the approximately 100,000 applications we receive annually.
    Maintaining a system that can be opened anywhere in Japan means that maintenance costs will increase accordingly, and we are currently operating with a deficit of about 60 billion yen per year. I'm not saying we want to stop because we're in the red, but we're doing it as an obligation. I think it's better to spend money on new and advanced services than to waste investment and money.
    We are also planning to terminate services such as the phonebook, which hasbeen used very little.
    At the same time, we are increasingly introducing systems that respond to customer inquiries with chatbots and automatically answer them in conjunction with AI. I think it is also important to improve efficiency by introducing AI in response to the labor shortage.
    Although there is a legal aspect to telegraph services, I believe that we should move toward terminating them at some point.

  • NTT DOCOMO's ARPU for the current fiscal year was ¥3,910, which is quite a drop compared to the end of last year and the first quarter of last year. Ii, the former president of NTT DOCOMO, explained that irumo was a major factor, but is it the same factor this time?

    As you pointed out, the reason for the decline in ARPU is the number of irumo sales. However, irumo itself is a strategic product for competitive purposes, so we want to sell it well and do advertising. Also, the selection of eximo has been increasing recently. As the ARPU of eximo is higher, we intend to increase the overall ARPU by strengthening these sales.
    Eximo is also a great way to increase ARPU, and there is a growing need for people to watch videos outdoors, so we are thinking of a strategy to capture these needs and restore the overall ARPU by using large-capacity eximo and ahamo large servings.
    We would like to reverse the ARPU within this fiscal year if possible.

  • Regarding the net increase of NTT DOCOMO, what are the factors for its considerable decline compared to the same period last year to 183,000 in this term? Rakuten Mobile has been increasing net increase quite a bit, but is there any impact?

    NTT DOCOMO has a history of reducing its customer base, and I think it's about time we reached our limit. I think we need to take measures to protect our market share.
    Therefore, we will strengthen our marketing, and in addition, we will improve the customer experience by responding to customer needs.
    Communication quality is, of course, a major factor in that. NTT DOCOMO President Maeda has been visiting the Yamanote Line to check the communication quality himself, and executives of NTT DOCOMO have now started to visit Nagoya and Osaka to check the quality themselves, so my expectations are very high.
    We believe that our customer base will increase by strengthening our marketing measures along with the quality of communications and gaining customer satisfaction, so we will continue to do so steadily.
    I think the impact of Rakuten Mobile is the same as other competitors.

  • What is your outlook on the impact of foreign exchange rates and the economy?

    The exchange rate itself is difficult to predict, but our business is not so affected by the exchange rate in terms of operating income. On the other hand, if the yen depreciates excessively, energy prices will soar and the cost of communications equipment, which is heavily imported from the United States and other countries, will rise. I think stability is the most desirable.
    The plan for this fiscal year itself seems to be set at ¥138, which is a strong yen, but since it was ¥140 in January this year and ¥137 in the first quarter of last year, we have set it at this value. Therefore, if the yen rises above ¥138, there will be a negative impact on operating revenues.
    Today it was about ¥147, and in 2023 it was about ¥145 for 1 year, so I think it would be best if the current level is maintained.

  • What are your views on the risk that the U.S. economy will enter a recession in the second half of the year and the risk that this will lead to a decline in corporate ICT investment?

    I think there are two elements. Even if the U.S. economy declines a little, I don't believe the data center business declines because it's difficult to match customer demand now. I don't think the trend of accumulating and analyzing data will stop, so we need to develop our business that will not be affected by these trends and we will keep up with the growth.
    On the other hand, the traditional system integration business may be an affected industry. However, the trend of digitalization itself may not change, so even if a slightly negative trend emerges, I personally think it will not be affected much, though I may be a little optimistic.

  • What is the current status of ahamo Poikatsu in NTT DOCOMO?

    Ahamo's poikatsu is going well. Some people join even if they don't use d payment or d card, and we can expect more usage in the future. The "eximo Poikatsu" campaign has just started, and I expect that more people using NTT DOCOMO's payment methods will enter this campaign, so I expect this trend to accelerate.

  • The churn rate of NTT DOCOMO's mobile phones is increasing, and it is assumed that the reason for this is the turnover of SIM-only contracts. What are your thoughts on the sales trend of SIM-only contracts?

    As for SIM, I think it is relatively liquid because it is easy to change.

  • Is it correct to think that NTT DOCOMO has shifted from strengthening its online presence to strengthening its physical presence?

    I think it's both. Generally, ahamo itself will further strengthen its support remotely, but for example, we will respond to the needs of customers who want to select their handsets while viewing them at the store in a fine-tuned manner, and we will respond to customer requests while cooperating well with the remote and the real world.

NTT Group Medium-Term Management Strategy

New Value Creation & Sustainability 2027 Powered by IOWN

We announced our new NTT Group medium-term management strategy which is based on the fundamental principle "Innovating a Sustainable Future for People and Planet" in May 2023