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November 6, 2015

Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015

Content Area


Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015

Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015

Disclaimer Information

FY2015/2Q Highlights

FY2015/2Q Highlights

FY2015 Contributing Factors by Segment

Consolidated Forecasts for FY2015

FY2015 Forecast Summary by Segment

Progress of Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Fixed Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Mobile Broadband Services

Number of Subscribers for Video Services

Financial Information

Details of Consolidated Statement of Income

Details of Consolidated Balance Sheet

Details of Consolidated Cash Flows

Details of Capital Investment

Toward Efficient and Sustainable Operations

Shareholder Returns

Financial Results

Financial Results Release For the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015

Financial Results Release 1


1.QualitativeInformation (1) QualitativeInformation Relating to Consolidated Business Results 1

1.QualitativeInformation (1) QualitativeInformation Relating to Consolidated Business Results 2

1.QualitativeInformation (1) QualitativeInformation Relating to Consolidated Business Results 3

1.QualitativeInformation (1) QualitativeInformation Relating to Consolidated Business Results 4

1.QualitativeInformation (2) Qualitative Information Relating to Consolidated Financial Position


3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets 1

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets 2

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 1

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 2

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 3

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (2) Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 4

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (3) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 1

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (3) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 2

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (4) Going Concern Assumption (5) Business Segments 1

3.CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (4) Going Concern Assumption (5) Business Segments 2


4. (Reference) (1) Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets 1

4. (Reference) (1) Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets 2

4. (Reference) (2) Non-Consolidated Statements of Income

4. (Reference) (3) Non-Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows


NTT'sSharesandShareholders(asofSeptember30, 2015)

Supplementary Data

Supplementary Data for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015

Supplementary Data for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015

1. Financial Results Summary (Consolidated)

2. Financial Results (Business Segments)

3. Financial Results (Holding Company and Subsidiaries) 1

3. Financial Results (Holding Company and Subsidiaries) 2

3. Financial Results (Holding Company and Subsidiaries) 3

4. Operating Data (Number of Subscribers)

4. Operating Data (Average Monthly Revenue per Unit (ARPU))

4. Operating Data (Number of Employees)


The State of Fixed-Line Telephone Services Going Forward

The State of Fixed-Line Telephone Services Going Forward

Migration to IP Networks

Considerations to maintain fixed-line telephone services

Copyright © 2015Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.-3-Migration of PSTN-SpecificFunctions to IP Networks

Reference 1. Migration from PSTN to IP Networks

Reference 2. The Changing Environment of Voice Communications


Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2015

Hiroo Unoura, President, CEO
Also in attendance:
Hiroshi Tsujigami, Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Strategy Planning Department
Takashi Hiroi, Senior Vice President, Director of Finance and Accounting Department

Information is current as of the date of issue of the individual press release.
Please be advised that information may be outdated after that point.