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November 19, 2020

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

NTT selected as a component of Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for 3rd Consecutive Year

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) has been selected as a component of the "World Index" of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for 3rd consecutive year on November 13, 2020, which is one of the global ESG investment indicators.
NTT has also been selected for "Asia Pacific Index" of DJSI for 7th consecutive years.

DJSI is a stock index jointly developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices in the United States and RobecoSAM in Switzerland in 1999. Each year, they evaluate company's sustainability from the perspective of ESG, and select overall leading companies by taking into account their market capitalization as one of the sustainability criteria. From the viewpoint of sustainability, top companies in each industry sector are selected as a component of "World Index". NTT has been classified as "Telecommunication Services" Industry.

In 2020, 323 companies (Including 39 Japanese companies) of the world's 3,500 major companies have been selected as "World Index" and 158 companies (Including 82 Japanese companies) of the 600 major companies in the Asia-Pacific region have been selected as "Asia Pacific Index".

NTT Group will continue contributing to "Help create a sustainable society by solving social challenges through business activities" under the NTT Group CSR Charter.

*ESG is the acronym for environment (Environment), society (Social) and governance (Governance).

Member of Dow Jones Sustainability Indices


CSR Activities of the NTT Group

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