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October 27, 2022

CSIS Launches AI Council and Elects Jun Sawada of NTT as a Member

Tokyo - October 27, 2022 ― NTT Corporation ("NTT") is pleased to announce that the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has established the CSIS AI Council ("AI Council") 1 and elected Jun Sawada, Chairman of NTT as one of its members. Comprised of 17 distinguished global leaders, the Council is an international effort co-chaired by Julie Sweet, Chair and CEO of Accenture, and Brad Smith, President and Vice Chair of Microsoft.

"AI is transforming the global economy and has the potential to contribute enormously to the development of a more innovative, prosperous, and sustainable world. The CSIS AI Council brings together an extraordinary group of leaders to etch out what corporate responsibility, international collaboration, and effective governance on AI looks like not only in principle but in practice," said Brad Smith.

Governments around the world are embarking upon major AI policy and legislative initiatives that will have significant implications for the future of global growth and innovation. Over the next year, there is a critical window of opportunity for leading democracies to create a collaborative framework for global AI governance and ensure a future of responsible AI usage consistent with democratic values. Creating such a framework should prevent a fractured AI regulatory landscape. Seizing this opportunity will be a major challenge, but the CSIS AI Council aims to provide an actionable way forward for international cooperation. This includes advising and supporting individual governments, as well as multilateral fora, such as the G7, through their work on this critical topic.

"As organizations around the world continue to advance AI at scale, there is an opportunity for leading governments to coordinate their approaches to regulation so that everyone can realize the promise of AI responsibly," said Julie Sweet. "Through meaningful dialogue and cooperation, business and governments can foster the development and use of AI that is effective, fair, secure, and respects every individual."

The work of the AI Council seeks to provide vital insights on translating AI principles into practice, establishing common standards for AI safety and security measures, and accelerating global regulatory interoperability and coherence. This work is underpinned by three guiding principles: commitment to safe and responsible AI; promotion of AI in service of society; and the support of a global AI regulatory environment that fosters international collaboration. In addition to direct government and public engagement, the Council will publish three white papers that make detailed, actionable, and prudent recommendations to the global AI policy community.

Gregory C. Allen, Director of the CSIS AI Governance Project, will serve as the Executive Director of the CSIS AI Council.

Members of the CSIS AI Council represent a diverse and distinguished group of senior leaders from across the global AI ecosystem. They include eminent AI researchers and academics, former senior government officials with direct experience developing and implementing AI policy, and chief executives from leading global corporations. The members are as follows:

  • Julie Sweet (Co-Chair), Chair and CEO, Accenture
  • Brad Smith (Co-Chair), President and Vice Chair, Microsoft
  • Genevieve Bell, Distinguished Professor and Director, Autonomy, Agency & Assurance Institute, Australia National University (ANU)
  • Albert Bourla, CEO, Pfizer
  • France Cordova, President, Science Philanthropy Alliance; Former Director, National Science Foundation
  • Yuko Harayama, Former Executive Director, RIKEN; Former Executive Member of the Council for Science, Tech, and Innovation, Cabinet Office of Japan
  • Frank Heemskerk, Secretary General, European Round Table for Industry (ERT); Former Executive Director, World Bank
  • Alfred F. Kelly, Jr., Chairman and CEO, Visa
  • Antonio Krüger, CEO, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  • Fei-Fei Li, Sequoia Professor and Denning Co-Director, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University
  • Cedrik Neike, CEO, Siemens Digital Industries
  • L. Rafael Reif, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Jun Sawada, Chairman, NTT Corporation
  • Roger Taylor, Former Chair, Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (UK)
  • Emma Walmsley, CEO, GSK
  • Adrian Weller, Programme Director for Artificial Intelligence, Alan Turing Institute
  • Kenichiro Yoshida, Chairman, President and CEO, Sony Group Corporation

"The NTT Group is promoting various initiatives to realize a sustainable society by promoting the IOWN concept and other initiatives to expand our business while also addressing social issues," said Jun Sawada. "While AI technology has great potential to help realize a sustainable society, there are various issues such as accuracy and quality control, so it is essential to develop effective AI governance to provide safe and reliable AI. Under the leadership of the AI Council, we will discuss the matter from various angles with global leaders in industry and academia and cooperate in building a collaborative framework for AI governance toward the realization of a 'a more affluent society' in which humans and AI coexist."

1CSIS Launches AI Council other window

About NTT

NTT believes in resolving social issues through our business operations by applying technology for good. We help clients accelerate growth and innovate for current and new business models. Our services include digital business consulting, technology and managed services for cybersecurity, applications, workplace, cloud, data center and networks, all supported by our deep industry expertise and innovation. As a top 5 global technology and business solutions provider, our diverse teams operate in 80+ countries and regions and deliver services to over 190 of them. We serve over 80% of Fortune Global 100 companies and thousands of other clients and communities around the world. For more information on NTT, visit other window.

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