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September 30, 2016
New article
The NTT Group has formulated "the NTT Group Environmental Statement" as a criterion for our environmental activities. In this statement, we have expressed "the future of our planet that stakeholders and we create" and "the figure we would like to be in that future".
The NTT Group has also set "the Eco Strategy 2030" as the targets of the environmental activities of fiscal 2031. The Eco Strategy 2030 is the guide to the future that is expressed in the NTT Group Environmental Statement.
Five years have passed since we announced "THE GREEN VISION 2020" in 2010. In this past five years, the dramatic changes have occurred in the global environmental fields. Considering these global trends, we have reviewed our environmental activities to advance toward the future beyond 2020.
There is great expectation that ICT could be applied to solve a variety of environmental issues, such as the Climate Change, effective use of resources, management of chemical substances, protection of natural resources and preservation of biodiversity.
We have formulated "the NTT Group Environmental Statement", including the view of meeting these expectations. This statement expresses the future of our planet that we hope to create with all our stakeholders. We have also expressed the figure the NTT Group would like to become in that future and the environmental activities we should carry out toward that future.
In the future of "People & Planet in Harmony", a sustainable society has been realized and everything in the world is connected and communicating. To realize that future, the NTT Group will engage in our environmental activities aiming to become a member of eco-friendly corporations in the world.
The NTT Group Environmental Statement
We have identified the NTT Group's key environmental issues. As a result, climate change and ecosystems have been identified as the important environmental issues in society. Climate change, energy (electricity) and resources have been identified as the important environmental issues to the NTT Group's business activities.
Related to these identified important environmental issues, we have set "the Eco Strategy 2030" as the targets of the environmental activities of fiscal 2031.
To realize a future with low carbon and adapting the effects of climate change, we have set the three targets of fiscal 2031. The targets are "reduction of CO2 Emissions"," improvement of Telecom Power Efficiency" and "adaptation to climate change"
To realize a future in which resources can be sustainable, we have set the target of fiscal 2031, "emission of zero waste"
To realize a future where the beauty and bounty of our natural world is sustained, we have set the target of fiscal 2031, "Preservation of the Earth's Ecosystem"
We will promote the contribution to solve the important environmental issues in society through all our activities, such as provision of ICT services, development of groundbreaking technologies and activities of our employees.
We will also work to reduce our own environmental impact with regard to the important environmental issues to the NTT Group's business activities.
The Eco Strategy 2030
Our environmental activities have been published on the following website.
NTT Group Environmental Protection Activities
Contact point for this subject
NTT Environmental Protection Office
Mail Form: Contact ( NTT Group Environmental Protection Activities)
Phone: +81-3-6838-5304 / Fax: +81-3-6838-5389
Information is current as of the date of issue of the individual topics.
Please be advised that information may be outdated after that point.
WEB media that thinks about the future with NTT