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November 29, 2021


Tech document on ICT platform for connected vehicles released by NTT and Toyota

The NTT group companies and Toyota Motor Corporation are working together since 2017 to share their technologies and develop ICT platform for connected vehicles, aimed at realizing carbon neutral and safe/secure driving.

Since 2018, they have been developing technologies for the following platform system while conducting the field trials over 3 years.

  • High-speed/effective collection of big data generated from connected vehicles
  • Verification of use cases with high technical difficulties as ICT platform for connected vehicles
  • System supporting End to End verification tests with actual vehicles in the real field

We hope this technical document will be helpful broadly not only for those engaged in connected vehicles, ICT, and mobility services, but also for other industries.

For more details, please download the following URL.

Information is current as of the date of issue of the individual topics.
Please be advised that information may be outdated after that point.