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October 26, 2022


NTT Received the "Nikkei FT Global Advertising award" at the Nikkei Advertising Awards

NTT, a global technology and business solutions provider and Fortune Global 100 company, is proud to announce today that we received the "Nikkei FT Global Advertising award" at the 71st 2022 Nikkei Advertising Awards. Nikkei Inc. evaluated the joint marketing campaign that NTT and NTT DATA ran on the automotive industry for its best global thought leadership.

The Nikkei Advertising Awards is a series of advertising awards given annually since 1952 by Nikkei Inc. The selection process is divided into two categories: the Main Awards category, in which outstanding performance awards are selected across industries or by industry, and the Thematic Awards category, in which awards are selected according to themes such as the environment, purpose, and ESG.


(Reference) The 71st 2022 NIKKEI ADVERTISING AWARDS other window
 Our series of advertisements "On the road to hyperconnected cars and smart cities" was awarded the "Nikkei FT Global Advertising award". This series introduced NTT Group's vision and capabilities for supporting and enabling the future of smart cars and cities, including "5G" and "ACES*".

Automated, Connected, Electric and Shared vehicles

Award-winning ads

On the road to hyperconnected cars and smart cities - Financial Times - Partner Content by NTT ( other window

Financial Times

Information is current as of the date of issue of the individual topics.
Please be advised that information may be outdated after that point.