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Adaptation to Climate Change

The NTT Group is moving forward with initiatives for the adaptation of the NTT Group and of society to play our part in adapting to climate change, and in developing and disseminating examples of adaptation.

Contributing to Adaptation to Climate Change

Disaster-resilient telecommunications networks and equipment

The NTT Group is striving to develop disaster-resilient telecommunications networks and equipment. These initiatives are disaster mitigation measures to continue providing telecommunications services in the event of a disaster as well as adaptation measures for disasters caused by climate change.

Adaptation of Society by Providing ICT

Installation of Wi-Fi and Storage Batteries in Public Phone Booths

We are installing backup power sources for Wi-Fi access points set up inside public phone booths to secure a means of communication during prolonged power outages. The initiative mitigates damages from disasters and serves as an adaptive measure against disasters caused by climate change.

Backup Power Supply Service based on Distributed Power Technology

The NTT Anode Energy Group provides renewable energy along with backup power for equipment needed during a power outage by installing distributed power systems including solar power generators and storage batteries at facilities that serve important functions at times of a disaster, such as shelters, with the aim of bolstering disaster prevention capacity of local communities. The company is also conducting verification tests to develop backup services with even higher resilience against disasters by using the direct-current power supply technology it accumulated through storage batteries installed at NTT station buildings and telecommunications businesses.