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Improvement of power efficiency of business activities

Regarding the use of electricity, which accounts for more than 95% of the CO2 emission factors, the NTT Group will improve the power efficiency in order to reduce CO2 emissions from our business activities and meet the demand for conserving energy given the rising amounts of electricity used associated with development of ICT, thus helping to realize a low carbon future.

Group-Wide TPR Campaign to Reduce Electricity Usage

The NTT Group has been working on Group-wide energy conservation activities named the TPR (Total Power Revolution) Campaign since October 1997 with respect to the electricity it consumes, which accounts for over 90% of the CO2 emissions from its business activities. By promoting efficient energy management at buildings owned by NTT and installing energy-efficient electrical power units, air conditioning systems and telecommunications equipment, we managed to continue to reduce electricity usage across the NTT Group by approximately 260 million kWh from projected levels in fiscal 2019.

Operation of "Energy Efficiency Guidelines"

The NTT Group has drafted the "NTT Group Energy Efficiency Guidelines.", which define our basic philosophy and device-specific targets with respect to the development and procurement of routers, servers and other ICT devices used in the NTT Group.

Under the Energy Efficiency Guidelines, the NTT Group develops and procures ICT devices with consideration for energy-efficient performance in addition to function, performance and cost. We are endeavoring to apply these initiatives to the reduction of electricity consumption and concomitant CO2 emissions related to customer communications