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Akira Shimada

Last updated : June 20, 2024

Akira Shimada Representative Member of the Board
Akira Shimada (Date of Birth : December 18, 1957)

April 1981 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation
June 2007 Vice President of Corporate Strategy Planning of the Company
July 2007 General Manager of the Accounts and Finance Department of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation
July 2009 General Manager of the General Affairs and Personnel Department of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation
June 2011 Senior Vice President
General Manager of the General Affairs and Personnel Department
Member of the Board of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation
June 2012 Senior Vice President
Head of the General Affairs
Member of the Board of the Company
June 2015 Executive Vice President
Head of General Affairs
Member of the Board of the Company
June 2018 Senior Executive Vice President
Representative Member of the Board of the Company
June 2020 Senior Executive Vice President
Representative Member of the Board of the Company
June 2022 President and Chief Executive Officer
Representative Member of the Board of the Company (present post)

Stock Price (Real Time)

- TSE Prime : 9432

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