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Koichiro Watanabe

Last updated : June 20, 2024

Koichiro Watanabe Outside Member of the Board Koichiro Watanabe (Date of Birth : April 16, 1953)

  • Outside
  • Independent
April 1976 Joined The Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company
April 2010 Representative Director and President of The Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company, Limited
October 2016 Representative Director and President of The Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
October 2016 Representative Director and President of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited (a new company that took over the domestic life insurance business)
April 2017 Chairman of the Board and Representative Director of The Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
April 2017 Chairman of the Board and Representative Director of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited
March 2018 Member of the Board, Japan Tobacco Inc.
June 2020 Director, Chairman of the Board of Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
June 2020 Director, Chairman of the Board of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited
June 2022 Member of the Board of Company (present post)
April 2023 Director of Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc.
April 2023 Special Advisor of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited (present post)

Stock Price (Real Time)

- TSE Prime : 9432

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