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Keiichiro Yanagi

Last updated : June 20, 2024

Keiichiro Yanagi Audit & Supervisory Board Member Keiichiro Yanagi (Date of Birth : August 16, 1960)

April 1984 Joined Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation
April 2009 President and Representative Director of NTT DATA Getronics Corporation (currently NTT DATA Luweave Corporation)
June 2012 Head of General Affairs Department of NTT DATA Corporation
July 2013 Senior Vice President, Head of Second Financial Sector of NTT DATA Corporation
June 2016 Director and Executive Vice President, Head of General Affairs Department, concurrently serving as Head of Human Resources Department of NTT DATA Corporation
July 2017 Director and Executive Vice President, Head of HR Headquarters, concurrently serving as Head of General Affairs Department of NTT DATA Corporation
June 2018 Representative Director and Senior Executive Vice President, concurrently serving as Head of HR Headquarters of NTT DATA Corporation
June 2020 Executive Advisor of NTT DATA Corporation
June 2020 CEO and President of NTT DATA Institute of Management Consulting, Inc.
June 2022 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (present post)

Stock Price (Real Time)

- TSE Prime : 9432

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