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Kaoru Kashima

Last updated : June 20, 2024

Kaoru Kashima Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Kaoru Kashima (Date of Birth : January 20, 1958)

  • Outside
  • Independent
November 1981 Joined Showa Audit Corporation (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC)
April 1985 Registered as a certified public accountant (registration up-to-date)
June 1996 Partner of Showa Ota & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC)
June 2002 Senior Partner of ShinNihon & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC)
July 2006 In charge of personnel of HR Development Headquarters of ShinNihon & Co.
September 2010 Managing Director of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC In charge of Corporate Culture Promotion Office In charge of Public Relations Office
July 2012 General Manager of Knowledge Headquarters Managing Director of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
July 2013 Representative Director of Ernst & Young Institute Co., Ltd.
June 2019 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (present post)
June 2019 Director of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited
March 2020 Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Kirin Holdings Company, Limited (present post)
June 2021 Director of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. (present post)

Stock Price (Real Time)

- TSE Prime : 9432

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