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Yukako Uchinaga

Last updated : June 20, 2024

Yukako Uchinaga Outside Member of the Board Yukako Uchinaga (Date of Birth : July 5, 1946)

  • Outside
  • Independent
July 1971 Joined IBM Japan, Ltd.
April 2004 Director and Senior Executive Officer, IBM Japan, Ltd.
April 2007 Technical Advisor of IBM Japan, Ltd.
April 2007 Board Chair, Japan Women's Innovative Network, a non-profit organization
April 2008 Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO of Berlitz Corporation
October 2009 Director and Executive Vice President, Benesse Holdings, Inc.
April 2013 Honorary Chairman, Berlitz Corporation
September 2013 President and CEO, Globalization Research Institute, Inc. (present post)
June 2021 Director, SINTOKOGIO, Ltd. (present post)
June 2022 Member of the Board of the Company (present post)
July 2022 Chairperson and Representative Director, Japan Women's Innovative Network, a non-profit organization

Stock Price (Real Time)

- TSE Prime : 9432

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