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Sustainability Conference Archive
We have held the NTT Group CSR Conference every year since fiscal 2014 in order to promote understanding of CSR across the entire NTT Group. The conference for fiscal 2018, the fifth such conference, was held in February 2018 and attended by around 200 people including CSR and the environmental staff from Group companies as well as employees and others with an interest in CSR.
To kick off the conference, Jun Sawada, Representative Member of the Board and Senior Executive Vice President, CSR Committee Chairperson, delivered the opening remarks about how employees need to think about CSR on a daily basis. Sawada explained that thinking about CSR is the same as thinking about business, while looking back on the NTT Group's operating environment. He also called on employees to aim to become a Value Partner continually chosen by customers.
He added that the NTT Group's mission is to help support society, create new social infrastructure, and innovate organizations in society and in the corporate world. To fulfill this mission, Sawada talked about the need for management with integrity and becoming a group of companies that is continually trusted by its diverse stakeholders.
Senior Executive Vice President Sawada delivering the opening remarks
After the opening remarks, the Presentation of Superior CSR Initiatives was held, where seven initiatives selected out of 45 entries were shared by Group companies in Japan and abroad. Staff from everis in Chile and Dimension Data in South Africa took part in the presentations, giving a global flair to the event. Subsequently, during the Presentations on Social Contribution Ideas, which have been continued since fiscal 2015, out of the 119 ideas submitted by employees from throughout the Group, three were selected to make presentations.
As a result, four of the Superior CSR Initiatives were selected as CS Grand Prize finalists, with one to be awarded the CSR Grand Prize and the other three to be recognized with the CSR First Prize in May 2018. Among the Social Contribution Ideas, the one presented by NTT DOCOMO about letters and albums to be sent to children around the world with intractable diseases to fulfill their dreams and give them courage was recognized with the Grand Prize.
The panel discussion featured a presentation of activities and discussions by representatives from Dai-ichi Life Holdings, Inc. on the theme of instilling a company's CSR philosophy.
Scene from the panel discussion
The display corner, set up separately from the main venue, included a number of exhibition areas such as an introduction to and sales of fair trade products in collaboration with NPOs, booths for introducing special-purpose subsidiaries associated with the Group, and an opportunity to experience blind soccer. Furthermore, a new exhibition on LGBT initiatives within the Group was set up to promote understanding among participants.
NTT Group sports for the physically challenged
NTT Group social contribution activities
Blind soccer experience
Sales of fair trade products
In the survey conducted after the conference, 97% of the respondents indicated that their understanding of CSR had "increased significantly" or "increased to a certain degree," making the conference a highly significant event that raised employee CSR awareness. We will continue to hold the conference over the coming years and work to improve measures aimed at participation by Group employees toward further enhancing CSR awareness.
With the number of people employed in agriculture dropping, the problem of passing on skills in Japanese agriculture has appeared, making it necessary to raise the efficiency of production and make it more sophisticated. NTT East is developing "e Sensing for Agriculture" to make it possible to check the environment of a distant agricultural field in real time using IoT, and also view past data, thereby helping to solve problems.
Currently, a working style reform is being promoted under direction of the government, but there is no end to health disorders due to physical or mental burdens, and accidents due to health issues. Under these circumstances, NTT PC Communications is supporting a system to watch over the safety and health of workers at corporations by providing mimamori-gajumaru, a wearable IoT service.
NTT DOCOMO is developing and providing "Mieru Denwa," a smartphone telephone service for those with hearing impairments. The service displays the words of the other person on the smartphone in real time. With this service, we are helping provide reassuring telephone communication, by eliminating the unease of not being able to hear, for the 7.5 million people in Japan who are said to be hard of hearing.
In South Africa's Limpopo province, around 12 million children walk to school every day. Two million spend more than therty minuts walking each way. Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka, established in 2007 as Africa's first pro continental team, has made it its mission is to help solve this issue.
Resolving Concerns Regarding Support by Remote Workers to Create Employment and Realize Diversity
A Donation Matching Solution for Disaster Preparation Emergency Rations that Support Solving Issues Like Food Waste
Establishing Open Innovation Aimed at Developing Latin American Societies
Sustainability Conference Archive
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