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Sustainability Conference Archive
Every year since Fiscal 2013, an NTT Group CSR Conference has been held to share excellent CSR measures throughout the Group. Despite COVID-19 still spreading around the world, the 8th CSR Conference for fiscal 2020 was held in February 2021 for the first time using a virtual online format.
NTT harnessed its expertise in online technologies by developing a virtual format for the 8th CSR Conference, with the goal of having employees around the world taking part regardless of where they were located or their specific time difference. In the past, only 260 employees were able to attend conferences held at conference halls--this year the conference was designed so that employees could tune in from anywhere in the world using their smartphones at a time that suited them.
A "Like" button was included for this online conference so that participants could vote for their favorite initiative as the Most Votes Award.
While the types of activities that can be implemented are still limited, the goals of initiatives devised by each company were full of creativity throughout the presentations, making the conference truly global in scale despite the challenges of physical travel within Japan and abroad.
On June 15, 2022, an award ceremony was held in-person for the first time in two years, bringing together award winners and executives from Group companies in and outside Japan, as well as around 100 employees in charge of sustainability at Group companies. The ceremony was a huge success. It was also streamed online, making it a day for many participants to expand their global understanding.
With the virtual online format of the conference, Akira Shimada, Senior Executive Vice President and the 8th CSR Conference Screening Committee Chairman provided opening remarks for employees around the world with an interview: "Let's help create a sustainable society where each and every employee takes part and plays a role. I want everyone to be constantly thinking about how they can help enhance social challenges--if no solutions can be found, I want to see the entire NTT Group demonstrate its commitment by coming up with your own solutions. It is important to examine the broad range of measures being implemented around the world, so that we all understand that any social problem is ultimately linked to our Group business and mission. We all need to put in every effort to make the world a better place, step by step."
For the 8th CSR Conference, there were 69 ideas for initiatives submitted by Group companies in Japan and abroad, of which twelve were nominated as the Superior Measures. These were reviewed by the screening committee based on their degree of impact on society and the creation of NTT-like value, with three measures awarded the Grand Prize. A new addition to this online conference was the Most Votes Award, where employees could send in their vote to express their support for the measures developed by each company. As a result, two measures were voted and were granted the Most Votes Award.
During the awards ceremony, the Vice President commented on the various award-winning projects and also gave the following message to awardees: "As an infrastructure company, NTT carries outs its 'mission to connect' by offering safe and reliable ICT services while also working to realize a digital revolution for customers and a sustainable society through cutting-edge digital technologies. We would like to continue to lead progressive activities through a combination of ICT and digital in a wide variety of fields, including work style reforms, the promotion of a remote world, the digital transformation (DX) of society, renewable energy, and more. By providing such know-how and experience as services, we would also like to be an innovative company that leads societal changes together with all of you."
Sustainability Conference Archive
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