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Sustainability Conference Archive
Every year since Fiscal 2014, an NTT Group CSR Conference has been held to share excellent CSR measures throughout the Group. The sixth such conference was held in February 2019. Approximately 240 employees participated, comprising CSR and environmental staff from each group company, and employees interested in CSR.
In starting the conference, Akira Shimada, Senior Executive Vice President and Representative Member of the Board, stood up to give greetings and reviewed NTT Group's business environment. While doing so, he also mentioned the group's new Medium Term Management Plan and explained one of its visions: Solving society's problems through business activities will contribute to a smart world and achieve the SDGs. He encouraged the employees by telling them the keywords are "digital transformation" and "CSR."
He also touched on the fact that NTT Group's action plan covering up to 2021 had been formulated, saying he wanted to build a system that would raise motivation among employees so they would take the initiative and create services on their own that would be helpful in society. He closed his greeting by saying "let's continue sustainable business that helps the world."
Senior Executive Vice President Shimada delivering the opening remarks
After that, superior CSR measures were announced that had been selected from submissions by group companies, both foreign and domestic. From this year, social contribution sections and CSV sections were established, with six measures being selected in the CSV section and five measures being selected in the social contribution section. The people responsible for each measure was announced. It was a conference with plenty of global flavor as there was participation in each section from three foreign NTT Data Group companies and, continuing from last year, Dimension Data, in addition to domestic group companies.
This time we had Peter David Pedersen, a sustainability management consultant, lecture about sustainability as a management strategy. Mr. Pedersen discussed how, with the world as it is today, the world's population is forecast to reach 11.2 to 12.0 billion, and the recent problem of plastic in the oceans. He said it was important that corporations take sustainability as a management strategy, and he was counting on NTT Group in this regard.
The Lecture by Peter David Pedersen
At an exhibition area separate from the main conference hall, there were booths introducing and selling fair trade-related products connected to NPOs and booths introducing NTT Group special-purpose subsidiaries, an area where it was possible to experience blind soccer, etc. There was also information to promote understanding of initiatives for LGBT within the group.
In the questionnaire after the conference, almost all the participants responded that they had deepened, or somewhat deepened, their understanding of CSR, so it was meaningful time spent on raising awareness of CSR. In addition to holding such a conference again next year and afterward, too, we will aim for further spreading awareness of CSR by such means as substantiating participatory measures for employees.
Sales of fair trade products
Blind soccer experience
Japan, where, in addition to large earthquakes and tsunamis, in the past few years, damage from natural disasters thought to be caused by climate change have become more frequent and the damage from them has gotten more severe. Based on the provision of safety status information, started after the Great East Japan Earthquake, NTT Resonant, has evolved that to various disaster mitigation solutions, such as apps for local governments and corporate management systems for disaster countermeasures. We are not only ensuring people's safety, we are also contributing to strengthening the ability of corporations to continue business.
In Japan, where a shortage of labor is appearing due to the arrival of an aging society, work styles are being reformed under the leadership of the government. As part of this, NTT DATA developed WinActor, a software-type robot that learns, as a scenario, operations performed by all the applications available on a Windows PC, such as Excel, browsers, individual work systems, etc., and then automates PC operations. We are responding to the continually increasing need to improve the efficiency of work with this RPA which has the number one share in Japan.
It is forecast that the world's population will reach 10 billion in 2050. This means that new methods for producing and distributing food will be necessary. To this end, itelligence AG has developed and is providing a network called "Farmbot Network" that uses an agricultural robot that produces food in urban spaces. While it is expected that a regional society's food will be shared, it is also expected that this will improve the efficiency of transporting food and reduce the environmental impact.
Against the background of a shortage of workers in the manufacturing industry, the need for the automation of visual inspections and tests is becoming greater. With the development and provision of Deeptector, which is an AI image recognition system that uses Deep Learning, NTT COMWARE is not only automating and increasing the efficiency of inspections and tests, it is providing various benefits such as increased test quality and the evasion of danger.
In the Republic of South Africa, compared to private schools, public schools don't have a sufficient educational environment, they are lacking in both funding and teachers. To help alleviate this, every year for more than 20 years Dimension Data has conducted a Saturday school program in which they select 100 students from public schools in twenty-one locations and hold free classes every week on Saturday. They are continuing to work with regional societies, contributing to eliminating educational inequality.
Sustainability Conference Archive
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