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NTT Group Sustainability Conference Awards Ceremony2024.6.10

NTT Group Sustainability Conference Awards Ceremonyの集合写真

Award ceremony digest movie

表彰式ダイジェストビデオ Award ceremony digest movie

Promotion Movie(EN)

プロモーションムービー(英語版のみ) Promotion Movie(EN)

開会挨拶 / Opening Greeting

NTT 代表取締役社長(副社長執行役員) 廣井 孝史の写真NTT 代表取締役社長(副社長執行役員) 廣井 孝史の写真

(副社長執行役員)廣井 孝史

Representative Member of the Board
Senior Executive Vice PresidentTakashi Hiroi








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Hello everyone, I am Hiroi, Vice President.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend the Sustainability Conference. This is the 11th conference, surpassing the CSR conference by 10 times.

I think it is fair to say that not many events like this have been held more than ten times in our group, and it is even rarer that the content of the conference has been so enriched and expanded. I am impressed that our sustainability efforts have strengthened each year.

In fact, last Friday, prior to this conference, a workshop was held led by the people attending today. I was able to attend the workshop and saw many countries and companies globally introduce their projects, and everyone passionately discussed environmental issues, diversity, and other topics. I felt that sustainability projects were evolving.

My next expectation is that the NTT Group's sustainability projects will expand globally, and if we all share common thoughts and ideas, I would be very interested in seeing various projects and proposals submitted jointly across companies and countries. I would be grateful if you could submit proposals for various joint projects.

In our business, especially on a global scale, we would like to strengthen projects unique to NTT. I strongly felt at the recent workshop that sustainability is an area where individual thoughts are quickly coming together in a group, and I hope to see efforts expand beyond the boundaries of companies and countries. I hope that the NTT Group will continue to promote such minds and sustainability.

I would like to make a brief opening speech.

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最優秀賞 / Grand Prize

Realization of an Inclusive Society through the Employment of People with Disabilities and the DX (Digital Transformation) of Regional Companies

NTT西日本大分支店 地域創生Coデザイン研究所 / NTT WEST Co-Designing Institute for Polyphonic Society

”障がい者雇用×地域企業DXによる共生社会実現”のイメージ画像 / Image of ”Realization of an Inclusive Society through the Employment of People with Disabilities and the DX (Digital Transformation) of Regional Companies”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


幹部コメント / Executive comment



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Decarbonizing our data centers for meeting our Net Zero commitment

NTTグローバルデータセンター / NTT Global Data Centers

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受賞コメント / Award comment


幹部コメント / Executive comment


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Protecting Children's Lives with AI Technology

NTTテクノクロス / NTT TechnoCross Corporation

”AI技術で子どもの「命」を守る”のイメージ画像 / Image of ”Protecting Children's Lives with AI Technology”

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受賞コメント / Award comment




幹部コメント / Executive comment



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Sustainable Crop Protection - Sistema Integra

NTT DATA アルゼンチン / NTT DATA Argentina

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受賞コメント / Award comment


幹部コメント / Executive comment


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Creating a Community Recycling Society through Smart Land-based Aquaculture

NTT東日本-東北/ Fukushima Branch Miyagi Division NTT EAST
NTT東日本 / New Business Development Headquarters NTT EAST

” 「スマート陸上養殖」での地域循環型社会の創出”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” Creating a Community Recycling Society through Smart Land-based Aquaculture”

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受賞コメント / Award comment



幹部コメント / Executive comment


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Water preservation by Smart Monitoring

NTTベルギー / NTT Belgium

”スマートモニタリングによる節水”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” Water preservation by Smart Monitoring”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


幹部コメント / Executive comment


水なしでは生きていけないのですから、水の大切さを再認識する必要があります。水は国に関係なく、生命そのものを支えています。 このソリューションは、漏水問題を解決するための素晴らしいソリューションであり、それを実際のビジネスとして提供しています。

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優秀賞 / Outstanding Performance

Smart garbage box in Doutonbori

NTTコミュニケーションズ / NTT Communications

”スマートゴミ箱設置・大阪道頓堀のゴミ問題解決”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” Smart garbage box in Doutonbori”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


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Women Empowerment - in the Now and Future

NTTインドプライベートリミテッド / NTT India Private Limited

”今と未来の女性エンパワーメント”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” Women Empowerment - in the Now and Future”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


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歴史・観光 街づくりと融合した脱炭素地域の実現
Realization of a decarbonized area, combined with historical and tourism town development

NTTアーバンソリューションズ / NTT Urban Solutions, Inc.

”歴史・観光 街づくりと融合した脱炭素地域の実現”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” Realization of a decarbonized area, combined with historical and tourism town development”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


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デジタル アクセシビリティ:インクルージョンとエクスペリエンス
Digital Accessibily: Inclusion & Experience

NTT DATA ブラジル / NTT DATA Brasil

”デジタル アクセシビリティ:インクルージョンとエクスペリエンス”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” Digital Accessibily: Inclusion & Experience”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


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BikeShare Service for a Sustainable Society


”バイクシェアサービスで持続可能な社会の実現へ”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” BikeShare Service for a Sustainable Society”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


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NTT DATA イタリア / NTT DATA Italy

” CO2Sink”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” CO2Sink”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


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サプライチェーン排出量算定 C-Turtle


”サプライチェーン排出量算定 C-Turtle”のイメージ画像 / Image of ”C-Turtle”

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受賞コメント / Award comment


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AVATAR 持続可能なエアモビリティのためのデジタルツイン
AVATAR Digital twin for sustainable air mobility

NTT Ltd ルクセンブルク / NTT Ltd Luxembourg

” AVATAR 持続可能なエアモビリティのためのデジタルツイン”のイメージ画像 / Image of ” AVATAR Digital twin for sustainable air mobility”

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受賞コメント / Award comment

航空産業は炭素を大量に消費する産業であり、環境への影響を低減するための技術進化が求められています。AVATARは温室効果ガスの排出を削減し、天然資源の使用を最適化することによって、持続可能な航空モビリティのために私たちのコンソーシアムとともに活動しています。産業界がITとクラウド技術を活用し、Tech for Goodの機会を解き放とうとしている一例になります。

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施策講評(川添副社長コメント) / Comments on Measures

NTT 代表取締役副社長 副社長執行役員 川添 雄彦の写真NTT 代表取締役副社長 副社長執行役員 川添 雄彦の写真

副社長執行役員川添 雄彦

Senior Executive Vice President
Representative DirectorKawazoe Katsuhiko







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Congratulations to the 8 projects that have received the Excellence Award.

I understand that many people are involved in each of these projects, although those in the audience today may comprise only a small portion. I would love to comment on each of them individually, but time is short, so I will start by discussing the premises.

I believe three main points were present in winning this award. First, the requirement was in the way we understood our customers feelings, as we did at the recent Customer Experience CX Conference. I think this sustainability is more active than passive. It is all about recognizing the feelings of our customers on our own and working on issues with them, and I think everyone is putting this into practice.

Second, the most important thing companies can do to realize a sustainable society is to make the most of what they are good at and what they can do. As mentioned in today's presentation, we at the NTT Group are utilizing AI, digital twins, metaverse, and various other data. I think it is very good to use these technologies.

Third, when generative AI is available, it can do multitude of things as compared to that by humans, but only humans can achieve sustainability. This is because humans are not immortal, have a limited lifespan, and will cease to exist; therefore, it is important for us to be aware of sustainability. I believe that the works presented today were not just confined to this event and will be passed on to the next generation.

I hope you will further utilize these three points and continue to pursue your activities.

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施策講評(島田社長コメント) / Overall Comment

NTT 代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 島田 明の写真NTT 代表取締役社長 社長執行役員 島田 明の写真

社長執行役員島田 明

President and Chief Executive Officer
Representative Member of the BoardAkira Shimada












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10 years have passed since the Sustainability Conference and we are now in our 11th year. As Mr. Hiroi said at the beginning of the conference, I believe that the next 10 years will probably be different from the past 10 years.

Today, I was able to see what you are actually working on for sustainability in your business.

I also felt a great expectation that this could be developed not only in that country, but possibly in other countries as well, and of course, I felt the possibility of developing it in various places within each country.

Another important point is that we are creating new solutions together with our partners. In solving social issues, there are of course the needs of our customers. However, I think it is also very important to have partners who work together with us to create new solutions.

For example, the Aviation project in Luxembourg was created together with the University of Luxembourg and Imperial College in England. Inshore aquaculture in East Japan is also being done in collaboration with Okayama University of Science and Ichii-san. I think we have entered such a new phase.

Until now, I think it was more about solving customers' problems by ourselves and putting out know-how within NTT, but now our network is expanding and we are solving social issues together with our partners. And it is spreading around the world.

This year we received 149 entries. I believe that there may be 10 or 100 times as many sustainability projects as there are proposals on behalf of all of you.

Among them, 149 projects were selected and proposed. Of these, 40% are from outside of Japan. The number of proposals from Japan is 60%. We have 340,000 employees, and 40% of them are non-Japanese. Of the proposals, 40% came from 150,000 foreign employees, and 60% came from the acquisition of 190,000 Japanese employees.

Each year this number of proposals has increased every year. Next year it will be even more and I am a little excited just to think what kind of a sustainability conference it will be 10 years from now.
New solutions will emerge from within the Group, and these solutions will help to solve social issues in the world. And I hope it will be a catalyst for global expansion.

This year's conference was also great. I hope to see you all here again next year. Thank you very much.

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Realization of an Inclusive Society through the Employment of People with Disabilities and the DX (Digital Transformation) of Regional Companies

NTT西日本大分支店 地域創生Coデザイン研究所 / NTT WEST Co-Designing Institute for Polyphonic Society

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受賞コメント / Award comment


Thank you for the Grand Prize. Everyone involved is very pleased.
Our project in Oita is to promote employment of people with disabilities, and although it is dressed up in this way, I believe that it is a serious project to change society.
To achieve this, I believe that we need to expand the small circle of people with disabilities in Oita to a much larger one.
In order to do so, we would like more and more people who understand and agree with this project to support us.
We will do our best in this endeavor, so please give us your support. Thank you very much for your time today.

  • NTT東日本 代表取締役副社長 熊谷 敏昌の写真

幹部コメント / Executive comment





Thank you for your presentation. Securing labor force and employment of people with disabilities in rural areas is a similar issue in eastern Japan area. It was very informative.

One thing I would like to confirm is about the business cooperatives. I just counted nine companies participating in the cooperative, but at first glance, they seem to be from different industries and business categories.
In such cases, what are you thinking about in order to ensure fairness and impartiality in outsourcing and the content of work done by each company, and how will you establish certain rules?

Answer to Question:
Thank you for your question. We are considering IT-related work that can be done using PCs, and NTT Group is good at providing consulting services in that genre of work. We will make a proposal to each company and then suggest how they can outsource such operations.

In terms of fairness, we would like to discuss how much work to outsource per month at the union membership stage.

Decarbonizing our data centers for meeting our Net Zero commitment

NTTグローバルデータセンター / NTT Global Data Centers

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受賞コメント / Award comment


We are extremely thankful, humbled and proud at the same time to stand here in front of you and receive a grand price on behalf of NTT Global Data Centers.
It is the team and not only the people who were shown in the video who actually deserve this price. Across the world, being it in Asia, Japan; India, Europe or Americas, they actually are the ones deserving to stand here. It is the first time we participated in the NTT Group Sustainability Conference and we are very well aware and mindful of what comes with winning a price.
NTT Global Data Centers is one of the few leading players in the data center industry and our actions shape the future. They do matter and they make a difference. For us, Sustainability is not just an add-on but it is built into our business, it is built into our strategy and it is built into our future vision. And our commitment stands, and we stand by our commitment not only to grow the business for NTT in an accelerated way but also shape a better future for the planet, the people and particularly the generations which are yet to come. Thank you very much!

  • NTTドコモ 代表取締役副社長 栗山 浩樹の写真

幹部コメント / Executive comment




Energy recycling systems and energy optimization through cooling are very important, and such efforts in data centers are becoming increasingly important in the ICT industry. The establishment of an energy recycling society is also a social issue.
I have two questions. What can we do to create and maintain a recycling-oriented system in our data center business teams?
Second, what is the evaluation of this project governments, stakeholders, and communities in each country? Could you tell us about that?

Answer to Question:
Thank you for your questions.
First of all, our next important step is to procure energy that can reduce environmental impact by 2030. We have already secured some of it, but we are aiming to secure it through new responses.

Regarding the second one, we believe that it will take a little more time to achieve this in Scope 1 and Scope 2 in India. How we account for and evaluate the energy used to build the data center functions will be a long process, but we will do it in coordination with the relevant parties.
The German project I mentioned earlier is small in scale, but we will be expanding the data center to other locations in Germany, and we will also work with other suppliers to expand the project based on what we have learned from the current project.

  • 授賞式登壇 MVP受賞者の様子
  • MVP受賞者の集合写真

MVP受賞コメント / MVP Award comment


We are very surprised and deeply grateful for the opportunity to receive this great additional price. As we said before, the thanks go to the teams that work every day to make our vision possible that digital infrastructure has positive impact on planet, people and prosperity.
Thank you!

Protecting Children's Lives with AI Technology

NTTテクノクロス / NTT TechnoCross Corporation

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受賞コメント / Award comment




Thank you very much for the Grand Prize. This award is the result of the understanding, cooperation, and support of so many colleagues and stakeholders. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again.
We have received many requests for proposals from various offices for depression, withdrawal, bullying, violence, discrimination, illness and injury, etc., in recognition of the achievements of the Child Guidance Center.
The Child Guidance Center has a common issue with the Child Guidance Center: it is an important consultation service where answering the phone directly affects the health and lives of residents, and there is a concern that the increased number of consultations will lead to a tightening of operations, and residents will not be able to be saved. We would like to contribute to the creation of a society where more people in difficult situations can be saved by promoting the development of this measure and further promoting DX by combining NTT's technology and know-how. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

  • NTTコミュニケーションズ 代表取締役副社長 梶村 啓吾の写真

幹部コメント / Executive comment





Congratulations on the Grand Prize. I have experience in proposing this system to non-life insurance companies and others, and I believe that you have worked very hard to create a solution with a very high aspiration to contribute to solving this social issue by combining the best aspects of voice mining and operational know-how. Thank you very much.

What was particularly good about the solution was that it was not the end of the process; it was wonderful that you were able to work closely with the customer afterwards and produce results, including the establishment of the solution. I would like to see the entire NTT Group deploy this kind of solution model for social issues throughout Japan.

The first question I have is, when creating this new speech recognition model, it takes a lot of time and effort to create dictionaries and have the AI learn the new model. What are some of the innovations that TechnoCross has made in this process?
Second, as you mentioned in the last part of your question, please tell us what kind of value you would like to create by using "tsuzumi" in earnest in the future as you continue to make this model even more advanced.

Answer to Question:
Thank you for your questions.
Regarding the first point, the voice recognition model that is unique to NTT Technocross, I think it is really only a steady effort. Since there was no precedent for a child guidance center, we started from scratch to learn what kind of things a child guidance center does, what kind of things they do, what kind of telephone operations they do, and what kind of problems they have. We learned what kind of organization the Child Guidance Center is, what kind of work they do, and what kind of issues they face. We also learned voice data and improved the engine, but I believe that the source of the system is the combined efforts of various people, including the development members of NTT TechnoCross.
As for the second point, we also consider generative AI to be a very important theme. Some local governments are already introducing it, and we would like to make good use of it to improve operational efficiency. Through this business policy, we have come to understand that public institutions, especially municipalities, share the common problem of being overwhelmed with a lot of administrative work and unable to perform their primary tasks.
We believe that the potential of generative AI is enormous, and we would like to contribute to society.

  • 授賞式登壇 MVP受賞者の様子
  • MVP受賞者の集合写真

MVP受賞コメント / MVP Award comment


Thank you very much for the MVP award in addition to the Grand Prize.
We feel very honored. I believe that we have only taken the first step at the starting line.
We will continue to expand, deepen, and evolve this program over the next five to ten years, and we will continue to devote ourselves to creating results that will enable us to say once again that we have saved many people and made a contribution to society.

Sustainable Crop Protection - Sistema Integra

NTT DATA アルゼンチン / NTT DATA Argentina

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受賞コメント / Award comment


First of all, thank you very much for this award. On behalf of the team, I would like to express my gratitude.
Also, I was able to see your wonderful efforts. Let's build a sustainable future together.

  • NTT 副社長執行役員 柳瀬 唯夫の写真

幹部コメント / Executive comment




Great presentation. Thank you very much for your presentation.
I think NTT has a big advantage here.
I would like to ask two questions.
First, is this business model applicable to other fields? If it can be used in areas other than plant management, I think it has great potential.
Another question. Could this one be used outside of Argentina? We believe that this issue is not only for Argentina.

Answer to Question:
Thank you for your question, regarding the second question, this one can be used in other areas. It is based on product management and is related to the entire supply chain, so it will be something that can track goods in all phases. Our project covers the very first production phase of the factory, from chemical production to the point where it reaches the final end-user.

As to your first question, we are in compliance with each country's rules and regulations regarding the various safety values, etc., but everything is managed within the blockchain and can be used in other countries as well. If we make adjustments to comply with the rules of each country, I think we will be able to use the system in other countries as well.

Creating a Community Recycling Society through Smart Land-based Aquaculture

NTT東日本-東北/ Fukushima Branch Miyagi Division NTT EAST
NTT東日本 / New Business Development Headquarters NTT EAST

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受賞コメント / Award comment




Thank you very much for the Grand Prize.
Thirteen years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima Prefecture, and the prefecture's fisheries industry is still affected by harmful rumors and other harmful rumors.

This project was started in response to the issue of how to provide safe and secure fish in a sustainable manner. We will be very happy if this project from Fukushima can help to ensure a stable supply of fish in Japan, which is facing a lack of skilled workers, and also help to solve the global food crisis.

I would like to thank Ichii Corporation for their understanding of this project and for working with us on, Associate Professor Yamamoto of Okayama University of Science, NTT East, NTT Agri-Technology, and everyone else involved in the company for their technical cooperation in providing suitable environmental water, etc. I would like to thank all of you again for your cooperation. Thank you very much for your time today.

  • NTTデータ 取締役副社長執行役員 中山 和彦の写真

幹部コメント / Executive comment





Thank you very much for your presentation. First, I think that the company is tackling the issues of food resource depletion, supply and demand. Second, ICT is being used very well. Third, where the activities are community-based. I thought this was an excellent project.
In addition, I would like to add my personal opinion on one more point: the fisheries industry. I believe that the fisheries industry is an industry in which Japan can take the lead. From overseas, I believe that the Japanese people are fish eaters and are blessed with the sea more than Japanese people realize, and the industry is one in which distribution and know-how have been accumulated. I am sure that this industry can be horizontally developed domestically as well, and as I mentioned earlier in my presentation, I would like to take on the challenge of globalization overseas in the long run.

I have two questions. First, I would like to know how you came to work together with Ichii Corporation, Okayama University of Science, and local residents in this industry-academia-government collaboration.
And next, I think there are quite a few other companies that are working on inshore aquaculture, but this one is second to none. If you have any appealing points, please let us know.

Answer to Question:
Thank you for your question. The original impetus for this project came from Agri-Technology East Japan, which was looking for a way to create a new form of community-based support for major social issues such as these. We worked on this project together with the members of NTT East Fukushima Branch, while Professor Yamamoto of Okayama University of Science took an academic approach and provided us with industry-leading technical support.The connection was created through the process of launching this project after careful discussions on how we could create a siting group among these three companies.

Regarding the second question, there are two points. One is that we can not only provide ICT and IoT to the fisheries industry, but also provide a one-stop support system for producers by utilizing our agri-technology in plant construction design and construction.
The other point is that the complete closure of the plant allows anyone, anywhere, to farm any fish.

Water preservation by Smart Monitoring

NTTベルギー / NTT Belgium

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受賞コメント / Award comment


This is Team Belgium. I am truly proud of this event and very humbled to be honored. It happened at the time of the broadcast last year, and you were aware of this, but the awareness of the sustainability conference is also increasing.
I am from Belgium, and more than 130 projects are participating this time. I believe that all the participants are important for a sustainable future. Thank you very much for today.

  • NTTアノードエナジー 副社長執行役員 伊藤 浩司の写真

幹部コメント / Executive comment

水なしでは生きていけないのですから、水の大切さを再認識する必要があります。水は国に関係なく、生命そのものを支えています。 このソリューションは、漏水問題を解決するための素晴らしいソリューションであり、それを実際のビジネスとして提供しています。






Thank you very much for your presentation. My heart is also “Doki Doki” (just like you said at the beginning).

We need to reaffirm the importance of water because we cannot live without water. Water supports life itself regardless of country. So, I believe this is the great solution to solve the water leakage issue, and you are now providing the solution as a real business.

I have two questions.

First one is; If you have some customer feedback on this solution or any kind of end user’ voice, please let us know. People always have different degree of interest and understanding in environmental issues. So, I would like to know how your customers evaluate this solution.

Second, if you are planning to introduce this solution in other areas, both domestic and overseas, what would be the biggest challenges or barriers to doing so? Such as regulations, or different patterns of water use, please let us know.

Answer to Question:
To your first question, the most common feedback we hear from end-users is that we are entering a new era. Until now, the water department was seen as a less visible business, but with the introduction of this system, we have become a more visible entity. The house is now in a position to tell us the cause of a leak. Some people have said that the entity is promoting innovation that will eliminate the need to send high water bills.
We also received a lot of feedback from the water utility about the tech technology. We've fixed what wasn't working and made the network more flexible. We have been able to further develop our operations and are looking forward to working with them as a partner in using the technology in the future.

Regarding your second question, we have received positive feedback that we can expand into new areas. This time it is waterworks, but we will be proposing NTTDATA's technology to other public sector corporations as well, so that they can actually use the technology. It is not easy to install 50,000 smart meters in the third year of this project, but it is a solution that can be copied and possibly expanded to other areas. If there is an earthquake in Japan, there will probably be leaks in underground pipes, and we think this could be used for detection.
I believe that NTTDATA's integrated solutions will expand further as a result of these achievements.

  • 授賞式登壇 MVP受賞者の様子
  • MVP受賞者の集合写真

MVP受賞コメント / MVP Award comment


We are a small country, but I am really honored to be recognized by this table among many countries. It was a wonderful event for me. Today is my birthday.
So I want to celebrate today with you. Thank you.

Smart garbage box in Doutonbori

NTTコミュニケーションズ / NTT Communications

  • 授賞式登壇の様子1
  • 授賞式登壇の様子2

受賞コメント / Award comment


Thank you very much. As we saw in opening video, we would like to continue to promote sustainability for the people, the earth, and the community.
I know the countries, Italy, India, and others in the world are having a hard time with the garbage problem. I will be carrying a trash can and I hope you will invite me.

Women Empowerment - in the Now and Future

NTTインドプライベートリミテッド / NTT India Private Limited

  • 授賞式登壇の様子1
  • 授賞式登壇の様子2

受賞コメント / Award comment


Our initiatives aim to empower women in the now and the future. We are helping today's women by giving them a platform to return to mainstream business and securing the future of girl children through sustained education by enabling their mothers and elder sisters through entrepreneurship and self-help. Our projects are curated and executed using our own people, processes and technologies. Thank you for this award.

歴史・観光 街づくりと融合した脱炭素地域の実現
Realization of a decarbonized area, combined with historical and tourism town development

NTTアーバンソリューションズ / NTT Urban Solutions, Inc.

  • 授賞式登壇の様子
  • 授賞式での集合写真

受賞コメント / Award comment


Thank you very much for this wonderful award we have received today.
NTT Urban Solutions, as an urban development company, would like to contribute to the building of a sustainable society by accompanying and accompanying local residents eye to eye.
Thank you very much today.

デジタル アクセシビリティ:インクルージョンとエクスペリエンス
Digital Accessibily: Inclusion & Experience

NTT DATA ブラジル / NTT DATA Brasil

  • 授賞式登壇の様子
  • 授賞式での集合写真

受賞コメント / Award comment


Thank you all.
We received this opportunity from the NTT Group. We would like to dedicate this award to the Disability Support Team in Brazil.

BikeShare Service for a Sustainable Society


  • 授賞式登壇の様子
  • 授賞式での集合写真

受賞コメント / Award comment


Thank you for joining us today. Our bike-share service has now been used more than 100 million times in total. We are proud to have achieved this level of expansion as a service, and feel that we have finally reached the point of departure as a sustainable service that can contribute to the optimization of space and energy beyond transportation,
I feel that we have finally reached a starting point as a sustainable service that can contribute not only to the optimization of transportation, but also to the optimization of space and energy. We will continue to work hard toward a sustainable society.


NTT DATA イタリア / NTT DATA Italy

  • 授賞式登壇の様子1
  • 授賞式登壇の様子2

受賞コメント / Award comment


Thank you very much. I am deeply grateful to our global team and everyone who made this opportunity possible.
Sustainability is a universal concern that impacts every aspect of our lives, no matter where we are. It is a topic that transcends borders and generations, making it imperative for all of us to work together.
At the NTT Group, we have the unique ability to drive positive change on a global scale. By harnessing the collective strength of our community, we can create a sustainable future for the next generation. Let's continue to lead the way and make a lasting impact.

サプライチェーン排出量算定 C-Turtle


  • 授賞式登壇の様子
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受賞コメント / Award comment


We are very honored to receive the award for C-turtle.
C-turtle was a late starter as an emissions visualization service, but it is now gaining recognition and has already been introduced.
This is thanks to the efforts and support of not only NTTDATA but also the NTT Group. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
We will continue to contribute to carbon neutrality toward a sustainable society. Thank you very much for your time today.

AVATAR 持続可能なエアモビリティのためのデジタルツイン
AVATAR Digital twin for sustainable air mobility

NTT Ltd ルクセンブルク / NTT Ltd Luxembourg

  • 授賞式登壇の様子
  • 授賞式での集合写真

受賞コメント / Award comment

航空産業は炭素を大量に消費する産業であり、環境への影響を低減するための技術進化が求められています。AVATARは温室効果ガスの排出を削減し、天然資源の使用を最適化することによって、持続可能な航空モビリティのために私たちのコンソーシアムとともに活動しています。産業界がITとクラウド技術を活用し、Tech for Goodの機会を解き放とうとしている一例になります。

The aviation industry is a carbon intensive one and requires technology to evolve so it can reduce its environmental impact. Together with our consortium, AVATAR is acting for sustainable air mobility by reducing the greenhouse gas emission and optimizing natural resource usage. This is an example where the industry is leveraging the IT & the Cloud Technology to unlock opportunities for Tech for good.