NTTグループから日本へ!社内サークル「LEAN IN DOCOMO」は、女性のエンパワーメントを通してジェンダー平等の実現に取り組んでいる。
NTT Group to Japan! The internal circle ”LEAN IN DOCOMO” is working to realize gender equality through the empowerment of women.
Since 2018, it has continued to hold lectures and online lunches at least once a month. In particular, ”peer mentoring,” which involves regular dialogue in small groups, has shown remarkable changes in the consciousness and behavior of participants, and many employees have taken a step forward. In addition, it supports the establishment of circles in other companies and regions, as well as the learning of junior high and high school girls in the IT field. The amount of activity is not limited to inside the company, but has spread from the NTT Group to various parts of Japan.
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