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”Green Nexcenterの展開について”のイメージ画像 / Image of ”Green Nexcenter™ Deployment”

Green Nexcenterの展開について
Green Nexcenter™ Deployment


「再生可能エネルギーを活用したゼロカーボン」+「水冷(液冷式)による高発熱サーバに対応した超省エネコロケーションサービス」 を Green Nexcenterとしてリブランド。
新設DC:建物設計から高発熱対応を織り込み。Green Nexcenterを新規DCのデファクトスタンダード化(京阪奈DC(仮称)等)

”Zero Carbon Utilizing Renewable Energy” and ”Super Energy-Saving Colocation Service for High Heat Generation Servers with Water Cooling (Liquid Cooling)” were rebranded as Green Nexcenter.
Existing DC: Vacancy (tooth loss) occurred due to cloud shift. For DC that can cope with high heat generation even in existing DC, liquid cooling was realized by renovation, and regeneration by high added value (Yokohama Daiichi DC)
New DC: High heat generation was incorporated from the building design. Green Nexcenter became de facto standard for new DC (Keihanna DC (tentative name), etc.)

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